Last modified: Mon Dec 1 19:52:40 PST 2003

"murasaki.pcmcia_socket" is an Agent program which hotplug.murasaki calls when PCMCIA device event happens.

[Order of call]

Kernel(PCMCIA event happens)

[Steps of execution]

looking for the adapted module in pcmcia_socketmap(1)
expanding the depended modules and aliases(2,3)
executing the scripts using precall file(4,5)
loading/unloading the adapted modules(6)
executing the scripts using call file(7,8)

  1. According to informations by "hotplug.murasaki" from Kernel, "murasaki.pcmcia_socket" picks up adapted modules from "murasaki.pcmcia_socket".
    case "add"
    The modules which is included in "murasaki.blacklist" is ignored.
    case "remove"
    The modules which is included in "murasaki.stickylist" is ignored.
  2. It figures out other modules which depend on the found modules in "murasaki.depend".
  3. It expands aliases into module names when they exist.
    case "add"
    The modules which is included in "murasaki.blacklist" is ignored again.
    case "remove"
    The modules which is included in "murasaki.stickylist" is ignored again.
    (The list of all modules is built now)
  4. It finds out the scripts for modules in "murasaki.precall" and runs them.
  5. It runs the script which is specified as "[pcmcia_socket]" in "murasaki.precall".
  6. It loads+binds or unloads+unbinds the modules.
    # When modules are busy, it will not be unload.
  7. It finds out the scripts for modules in "" and runs them.
  8. It runs the script which is specified as "[pcmcia_socket]" in "".


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Shuu Yamaguchi :