Last modified: Mon Sep 29 22:19:57 PDT 2003

Agent program refers to this to find scripts.
Scripts are executed before modules are loaded/unloaded.
This has 2 kinds of format such as below. The script file is called with "start" as the first argument after loading modules. On the other hand, It is called with "stop" after unloading modules.


[Format for a module]
  1. Write the module name + colon(:)
  2. Write the script name by space to separate.
The plural modules are able to be specified.

module-1: script-1 script-2

[Format for a device]
It is a same format except difference between "[device name]" and "module name".
  1. Write '[' + device name + ']' + colon(:)
  2. Write the script name by space to separate.
The plural modules are able to be specified.

[device-A]: script-1 script-2 script-3


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Shuu Yamaguchi :